Dr. Shashanka Dhanuka is a highly skilled urologist providing compassionate care to patients throughout Kolkata, India. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Dhanuka offers his expertise in detecting and treating a wide variety of urological conditions. His state-of-the-art clinic is equipped with advanced technologies to accurately diagnose patients. Once a diagnosis is made, Dr. Dhanuka thoughtfully explains treatment options to each patient and develops an individualized plan catered to their lifestyle and goals.

Dr. Shashanka Dhanuka | Consultant Urologist in Kolkata

Kidney Stone Treatment

One of Dr. Dhanuka's most common treatments is for patients suffering from agonizing kidney stones. These hard deposits can form in the kidneys from minerals in urine and grow into large, sharp masses triggering immense pain. Dr. Dhanuka compassionately counsels each kidney stone patient on ways to ease their discomfort and prevent future recurrences through diet and lifestyle changes.

For removing existing troublesome kidney stones, Dr. Dhanuka offers a variety of state-of-the-art minimally invasive procedures including:

  • Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) - Uses targeted sonic waves to break up stones so they can pass more easily
  • Endoscopic lithotripsy - Smashes stones using a small tool on the end of a thin, flexible ureteroscope
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) - Extracts large stones through a tiny incision in the back

With his advanced training and steadiness of hand, Dr. Dhanuka can remove even extremely large or awkwardly positioned kidney stones quickly, safely with minimal pain or complications so patients can return to their daily lives.

Ureter and Bladder Stone Removal

Kidney stones can also get stuck traveling from the kidneys down the muscular ureters towards the bladder, blocking urine drainage and causing excruciating pain. Dr. Dhanuka offers fast relief removing ureteral stones using narrow instruments like graspers, baskets and lasers. He also treats patients with bladder stones causing symptoms like pain, trouble urinating, frequent urination and bloody urine using cystolitholapaxy procedures to crush stones through a cystoscope.

Enlarged Prostate Care

Benign prostate enlargement (BPE) is another common issue Dr. Dhanuka sees, usually in older men as their prostate gland grows. He carefully evaluates each case to provide individualized treatment ranging from close monitoring to medications and minimally invasive surgeries like transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) and Greenlight photovaporization. With his nuanced touch, he expertly removes excess prostate tissue pressing on the urethra so patients can urinate freely and fully again.

Kidney Cancer Detection and Treatment

Upon detecting signs of possible kidney cancer like blood in urine or flank pain during examinations, Dr. Dhanuka springs into action ordering scans and biopsies. Once diagnosed, he thoroughly discusses all facets of available kidney cancer treatments like:

  • Partial nephrectomy surgery
  • Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Radiofrequency ablation

He individualizes treatment plans aiming to fully eradicate tumors whether benign or cancerous while preserving kidney function. Dr. Dhanuka's great skill with minimally invasive techniques offers smaller incisions for faster patient healing.

Bladder Cancer Care

Blood in urine, increased frequency/urgency and pelvic pain also may indicate bladder cancer. Using specialized imaging and urine cytology, Dr. Dhanuka expertly evaluates the lining of the urinary bladder searching for tumors. If cancerous cells are detected, he talks through all facets of treatment ranging from immunotherapy medications, chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Thanks to his steadiness of hand and care for patient wellbeing, he is able to remove bladder tumors and lesions thoroughly whether through biopsy, transurethral resection or partial/radical cystectomy.

Customized Care for Every Patient

These are just some of the many urological conditions Dr. Shashanka Dhanuka expertly treats for men, women and pediatric patients. Blending advanced training, cutting-edge technology and good old-fashioned kindness, he strives to deliver precise diagnoses and treatments tailored for every patient's unique needs. If you are experiencing any troubling urological symptoms, contact Dr. Dhanuka's office today to schedule a consultation with this compassionate, skilled physician.